I’m happy to announce that the research conducted by Dr. Dana Zenobi & myself in 2023 was presented this past June, 2024 at the National Assoc. for Teachers of Singing’s 58th annual conference, in Knoxville, TN – and we won the Best Poster Award!

Dana is one of many singing teachers I’ve trained to use ACT to enable her to independently manage her voice students’ performance anxiety. Her study’s results suggested that a 6-hour ACT training, plus 3 hours additional supervision, led to significant reductions in performance anxiety & improvements in psychological flexibility.

Go here for more info: https://www.nats.org/cgi/page.cgi/_article.html/What_s_New/NATS_names_Best_Poster_Paper_of_the_NATS_58th_national_conference#:~:text=Co%2Dwinners%20of%20%E2%80%9CBest%20Poster,for%20Managing%20Music%20Performance%20Anxiety.%E2%80%9D